Our Westerville dental office is in the same general location as the Westerville Community Center, on County Line Rd W between Africa Rd and N Cleveland Ave. We’re also less than five minutes west of N State Street.

Attractive, strong teeth are an indicator of good health. Many people are naturally drawn to someone with a nice smile. But what if your teeth have seen better days? Perhaps problems like cavities, traumatic damage, and gum disease have taken their toll. Do not worry. You can visit your dentist without fear of judgement. Rather than shame you for the state of your smile, they should focus their attention on helping you improve your condition. Here are some reasons why you can attend your appointment without being nervous about what your care team will think about you:
Your Oral Health Does Not Define You
Your dentist knows that the state of your teeth and gums says almost nothing about you as a person. Some of the most intelligent, capable, and wonderful people have oral health problems due to their genetics, various medical problems, stress, or past traumatic experiences. The challenges you are dealing with have absolutely no impact on your value as a human being.
Your Dentist Has Probably Seen Worse Cases
Even if you have some severe oral health issues, the chances are strong that your dentist has seen worse. Of course, even if you are one of the more complicated cases they have treated, that does not mean they will judge you. Instead, they should see the situation as an opportunity to show kindness and empathy while they put their skills to work.
Dentists Are Kind People
If you ask a large group of dentists why they got into their profession, the vast majority of them will mention something about their desire to help people. They recognize that oral health can have a huge impact on a person’s quality of life and overall health, and they treasure their ability to help people find freedom from problems like missing teeth, gum disease, and other serious oral problems.
Most Oral Health Problems Are Fixable
Even if it has been decades since the last time you received professional oral care, there is a high chance that, with proper treatment, you can achieve a healthy and fully functional smile. Decayed teeth can be restored with fillings or crowns. Infected teeth are often salvageable via root canal therapy. Missing teeth are replaceable with dental implants, bridges, or dentures. Your dentist will be eager to design a plan to help your smile reach its full potential.
You Should Be Commended
Admittedly, some people have made poor decisions that played a role in their current state of poor oral health. If that is true of you, you should not devote a lot of time and energy to regretting the past. Instead, you should be congratulated for visiting your dentist and getting started on the road toward improved health. You could be at the beginning of a journey that will change your life for the better!
Meet the Practice
Tzagournis Dental Group features three talented dentists, who have several decades of combined experience. Our team welcomes patients from all walks of life, including those who are struggling with complex or severe oral health problems — our office is a judgement-free zone! To learn how we may be able to help you achieve a healthier smile, contact us at 614-882-4032.