SureSmile Clear Aligners – Westerville, OH

The Clear Path to Your Dream Smile

Woman in cream sweater smiling

Traditional braces are effective, especially when it comes to addressing more severe cases of malocclusion. Of course, they leave a lot to be desired when it comes to appearance, which stops many patients from pursuing orthodontic treatment. The good news is that our Westerville dental team now offers SureSmile Clear Aligners! As a result, the journey to a straight smile won’t involve any metal at all. To learn more about this popular cosmetic dental service, keep reading or get in touch with us to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose Tzagournis Dental Group for SureSmile Clear Aligners?

  • Digital Dental Impressions
  • Affordable Payment Options
  • Open Five Days a Week

How SureSmile Works

Patient smiling at dentist while holding clear aligner

First, digital impressions are used to create your treatment plan. Then, a series of custom, clear aligners are crafted, which you will wear for 20-22 hours a day. Every week or two, you will progress to the next set of aligners in the series, which moves your teeth incrementally closer to their ideal positions. After a few weeks, you’ll start to see improvements, and most patients achieve the results they desire in just 12-18 months!

Who SureSmile Can Help

Closeup of dentist putting clear aligner on patient

As with any cosmetic dental treatment, you’ll need to meet with one of our talented dentists near Westerville so they can determine if you’re a candidate. The good news is that SureSmile is incredibly versatile. In fact, it’s helped patients with the following orthodontic problems over the years:

Crowded Teeth

Some patients visit us because they have difficulty smiling confidently due to overcrowding. However, we recommend coming in for a consultation even if that’s not the case. After all, teeth that overlap are difficult to clean and, therefore, lead to an increased risk of tooth decay. Luckily, mild and moderate cases can often be addressed with clear aligners.

Gaps Between Teeth

Like crooked teeth, gapped teeth can lead to low self-esteem and an increased risk of common oral health problems, like cavities. That’s why we recommend exploring your treatment options sooner rather than later. If you’re a candidate for SureSmile, then we will gently and gradually close the gaps with clear and comfortable aligners.

Bite Alignment

Do your lower teeth sit in front of your upper teeth? Is there space in the front or back of your mouth that prevents you from biting down all the way? Maybe you have a completely different bite problem, like an overbite or crossbite. Don’t worry – that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wear metal brackets and wires. SureSmile can fix common orthodontic problems like these as well!

The Benefits of SureSmile

Smiling patient holding clear aligner

SureSmile continues to be popular year after year because:

  • The aligners are virtually invisible
  • The average treatment timeline is shorter than traditional braces
  • There aren’t any dietary restrictions
  • Brushing and flossing are easy because the trays are removable
  • There are fewer check-in visits

How Much Does SureSmile Cost?

Clear aligner lying on gray surface

You might be surprised to hear that there isn’t a flat fee with SureSmile! The price varies based on factors unique to your case, including how many aligners you need, if single-arch treatment is possible, and how well you follow the treatment guidelines, like wearing your trays for 20+ hours a day. Rest assured, we will provide you with an estimate of the cost at your appointment. Not only that, but we will review all of the financial solutions available as well, including dental insurance and our in-house dental plan.